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Ons missie is om hoop te bring

I am part of different teams and the central mission is 'To Bring Hope'. Names of different programs in the work with ladies coming out of prostitution are based on hope: Hands of Hope, Journey of Hope, Hopes Up.
Also our prison ministry is called HOPE!

Hope is something else than faith. Faith is trusting in something what (and WHO!) is, right now, right here, even when it is invisible. Hope is trusting that something good will come. When people suffer and going through dark times, it is sometimes hard to believe, that God is good. It is easier to have hope that things maybe get better. Hope enables, hope gives power to hold on, to press in, to make steps. When people lost hope, they are not motivated to make live-giving decisions anymore.

Biblical Hope is even better than the normal use of the word hope: It will get better. God promises us a future (Jeremiah 29:11 - a special scripture for lots of our women.)

Bringing Hope

In this red section you can read a lot about our work. One of the teams I am involved with is 'Ragab Bediening'. Ragab was a prostitute in the Bible, but God saved her, because she was hanging a red chord outside... Bringing hope is like that Red Chord... A way to escape. A signal of hope and salvation.

* In 'The Power of Hope' you find my personal journey of discovery how I can bring hope. I really needed to learn not to focus on the overwhelming needs of 'hopeless' communities. But rather to choose to see the individuals in these communities. Bringing hope in their lives. They will have impact in their communities.

* In 'Healing in Broken Communities' I share my experience about the Inner Healing Program what I am able to offer. Women in these communities get healed of pain of their past and will bring that healing into their families.

* In the section 'Women in Prostitution' I will share about our work with ladies in prostitution. The different programs we offer and how we try to help them in an holistic way. (A way what is integrated, covering all aspect of change...)

* In the section about Prison I share the stories about prison life. I enjoy working with the guys as well!

I asked a few people to share their testimony*, what makes hope so much more personal.

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