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Ek kan dit nie alleen nie

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by all the deep pain and the need around me.
I am so thankful I am not working alone. I am part of a few awesome teams here in Cape Town! 
We can learn such a lot from each other. We keep each other focussed. We share our celebration-moments and disappointments. We make difficult decisions together, we pray together. And sometimes it is incredibly valuable to offload by each other.

Recently I embraced that I am (on some areas) a High Sensitive Person. (I already somehow knew, and I think you will not be surprised by it, if you know me.)
It is a gift. I can feel peoples feelings on a deep level in my own being. I understand a lot in suffering and I can listen long to a story without getting bored, giving my full presence. I enjoy working with emotions, I am not afraid for them, how hectic they can be. When a person is able to release emotions (even when it is on a raw way), I know peace is gonna come. I am always looking for reasons what makes someone doing 'bad things,' instead of judging someone. (I believe in working with the level under behavior: That is the place where transformation happens through connection.) I easily see patterns connections and links and I am able to name them. And I know often what would be the best step to take next.
It is also a challenge. Not everyone is sensitive for my feelings and behavior on this level. I knocked my head often in this area, what was very painful. I think I needed to learn to value alone-time. To start listening to my own heart. To give the love, what I so easily give to others, to myself as well. I needed to learn to embrace myself, even in all my weakness. Others cannot give to you, what you are not allow yourself to receive.

I am HSP and I have an Extroverted character as well, what means: I need to process deep (and long!). And I process my emotions (mostly) external. So I really need to talk! I feel the best after a long deep chat with a good friend, where there is space for both of us. It gives me a deep feeling of fulfillment.
Often I listen to people here in Cape Town, what I love to do and what I probably do well, but I became more aware that I really need to be heard as well. I think what I have to say is valuable. Loneliness is one of the biggest challenges in my life, on the way what Carl Yung says:'

Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you.'

So I am working on balance at the moment. I am learning to create healthy boundaries. I take up my responsibilities, but I also take (enough) time for myself without feeling guilty. I simply need it. I am practicing in becoming more vulnerable to my friends in Cape Town, instead of always being the strong one. I have not so many friends yet/anymore, this is also shifting at the moment, because I am busy changing. It is good to come to that point that you have peace with yourself and enjoy your own company. I learned that being alone not means you are lonely. Sometimes being alone is better than that people steal all your energy away.
Here you can find the most recent prayer requests. Please pray for more people around me where I can really connect with on this level.


If you have it on your heart to support me financially, what I really would appreciate, here you can find all that information. I am also busy checking out different ways how to sustain some income. You can check it out on this page.

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