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Jesus genees ons

In my personal life I went through a journey of healing. It was an intensive process. And I never went through such a lot in my life when I compare it to the ladies I work with! Often I didn't understand my own pain and struggles. But looking back I realized Jesus was preparing my heart to work with other precious broken hearts. Giving me keys to bring healing.

2 Corinthians 1 is one of my favorite scriptures. We receive comfort from Jesus, so we can comfort others in ALL kind of trouble. We don't need to go exactly through the same things as the next person in order to help them. When we receive comfort, we can comfort others!

Jesus heals through Presence. God introduces Himself to Moses as the Present One. Jesus is Immanuel, what means: God with us. Jesus cried out on the cross, as the High-priest and the Perfect Sacrifice, the cry of humanity: My God, why did you forsake me? Jesus promise to be with us till the end of the earth. Jesus promise his presence through the Holy Spirit.

Presence heals. Isolation kills.
I can handle a lot in my life when I am not alone. I am very brave when I know someone is with me and will hold my hand. Unfortunately suffering goes often together with loneliness. And often when we suffer, God feels far away....

I saw the most powerful miracles of healing happening when people started realizing they are not alone.
One of the deepest lessons I learned in Inner Healing is to step into that place of loneliness by others, to be a witness in the suffering. I learned that it is not about doing, but about being. Being brave enough to just be...
Trusting Jesus He is doing the rest through me. Stepping into someones darkness, trusting the Light of the World is living in me. Laying my hand on someones back, trusting that Jesus can use my hand, so a person feels comforted by God Self. Trusting that, when I give my full presence and attention to someone, a person can feel a glimpse of the love of Jesus for him or her.

Trusting that Jesus gives me the right words to speak. (often He tells me only to listen!)
And most of all: trusting that the Finished Work of the Cross is sufficient enough to heal every broken heart. Jesus was wounded, so we can be healed. (Isajah 53). And when I can help someone, by stepping in that gap, to make this scripture a reality... it is one of my biggest joys!

I don't mind that I also sometimes still need healing, by Jesus there is more than enough for every day.
The more I stand in connection with my own feelings (I often suppressed my feelings), the more I realize my own brokenness. But it is not scaring me anymore. We are all Broken Healers. Jesus decides to work through scars. He is able to complete his perfect plan in each of us, straight through our deepest failures.


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