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In Cape Town I work on volunteer basis. The need is huge but I see God moving through the relationships I build up with the people I work with. God is changing lives! Such a lot of beautiful things are happening. Transformation, healing, deliverance, people coming back on their feet. Here you can read some personal testimonies.
But I cannot do it without support. This is not my work, it is the Lords work. Would you like to get involved in this ministry, that I can work and live here?

* You can support me Tax Deductible (if you have a Dutch Bank Account) through the organisation called 'Samen op de Bres'

Their banking details are:
Iban: NL31 INGB  0003 1582 67
Name: St. Samen op de Bres
Donate my gift under: 'Hoop vir die Kaap'. Donations will come once a month in my bank account.


* My personal Dutch Banking Details are:
Iban: NL63 SNSB 0962 0321 23
Name: TCE Kip

* If you are living in South Africa and you want to support me, please contact me for more details.

Every donation, how big or how small it is, is helpful.
At the moment I can get a lot of Rand out of a Euro. The currency at the moment is 1 Euro - 15 Rand.
I feel so blessed! (Knowing it is not good for the economy of SA - the prices of food are going up like never before.)
Do you know why (even a very small donation) is so powerful? It gives encouragement. Seeing someone practical believing in me, on moments that it is hard for me to believe in myself, in the situation...

* I am thankful for one time donations! A BIG thanks to you who did that over the years!
Sometimes an extra gift came on crucial moments. Sometimes it came as a special wink.
I don't like to speak about the financial side of my work. And we are coping. Wes is working and I can add in our monthly income. For extra stuff we use our savings. We are blessed. I know that I know that I have to be here for this stage in my life. I can see so much fruit around me. I feel so much passion for what He is doing through me in the brokeness around me. It is great people want to be involved in that.
I learned to trust. God is faithful. Finances were never a problem in the years I am here.
At the moment it is an expensive time. Holland was expensive. (living from Euro's with a Rand-budget) As wel as my visa renewal. So do you want to pray about it? Only give when it is bringing you joy!

* I am extremely thankful for my monthly / regular sponsors. You guys will never know how thankful I am for your faithfulness, even through difficult times... It moves me sometimes to tears. Thank you!! I feel I don't say it often enough.
If you want to become a monthly partner as well, please let me know. It will help that I can go on with the work of Hope and Healing in Cape Town. Honestly over the years my monthly income became less, while the state demands a higher monthly income.

* The Lord is stretching me to start thinking bigger. To put certain things in order, for bigger things to come. I would love to do so much more in the lives of so many people. Sometimes I feel I am still in training by Him (ach, wie niet he). So I will keep you updated. I will probably running certain projects to invest in certain individuals, where I build up relationship with and where I see potential. (I still love to focus on the one, whole communities are overwelming me).



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