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Genesing in gemeenskappe

Since I work by Straatwerk in 2014, I realize Inner Healing is my passion!
The last three years I worked with around 50 ladies in total from the more poor communities. I developed a good 10-week-program, based on a longer Inner Healing Program. I think I did 8 classes in total? The classes were covering topics like 'The past and the present', 'Rejection', 'Shame' (we often played Hide&Seek!) 'Trauma', 'Relationships', 'Forgiveness' and more.
As team we decided it is time for a new season. So next year we are not doing Inner Healing classes anymore in this setting. But the healing goes on. I was able to invest in 50 leader figures in broken-down communities. It is their turn now: They will invest in their families and their communities. They can now being a light in the darkness. They can pass on what they have received. I probably will be involved from the side. (Ze zijn veel te leuk om ze nooit meer te zien! Ik heb waardevolle banden opgebouwd.) But I will be more involved on the coaching side (a smaller team of leaders, leading inter-vision sessions and do empowerment)

I think (and I know) the classes made an huge impact on the lives of these precious women. One of the most powerful elements was that I was able to create a safe place, where they could share their pain and struggles. Because of poverty the women are often forced to stay strong for their families. They have to survive. They don't know about emotional wounds. So it happened more than once that a lady was sharing for the first time since 40 years what trauma she went through. She was able to receive love from the group and from the Lord in ministry and you could almost see immediately the relieve.

I love the vibe of these different groups and the combination between groups counseling and personal counseling. I did both and it works nice together.
By groups counseling you can reach more people at the same time, and give them teaching, so the can develop knowledge and insight. And the group members are responding on each other and helping each other. Sometimes the Lord was touching five ladies at the same time. When everyone has tears, I was happy there were extra arms and shoulders to cry on!

By individual counseling you can go deeper. So when I saw someone needed to talk (or someone wanted to talk to me) I took time and I saw breakthroughs happening. Marriages were restored. Someone was crying since a long time and became more alive. Others got a secret out what they had too long on their chest.

I am also so blessed by the opportunity to lead this classes. It brought a lot of personal growth. It brought me to the next level, teaching for a group of people. I was always very shy. I learned during the years to prepare less and to be more 'in the flow'. Sensing during the sessions what was important to talk about, what did the people need? I collected a library inside through the last years, I know enough about enough, so I can speak about a lot of topics. I still worked with a program (gives clarity to the group), but I also got freedom to be in tune.

During the Inner Healing Classes I had a few 'Helpers', women I gave training in order to start leading groups in their own areas. I made them leaders of small group discussions, I gave them training and I encouraged them to lead the class, to practice in teaching. It was great to do this empowerment! And it was great to work together as a team, leading Inner Healing.

The foundation for Biblical Inner Healing is for me: Embracing our Identity in Christ, our Position in Christ. And on the same time embracing our human weakness, the Condition of our hearts. Both. By knowing that our Position is safe in his eternal love, we can have the courage to look to our brokenness and sin, without having fear for judgment. By having a firm foundation in Christ, we are not lost in all different kind of emotions.
Our Position is our Foundation: We are already healed, whole, complete and accepted. And in the meantime... we are on our way in this journey of healing and we can be vulnerable with each other in loving relationships. Love is the main ingredient for healing: Sharing love and love everything inside of you.

The last year we got spoiled by one of the ladies who is baking lovely cakes. Every week we got a plate full! Das niet goed voor de lijn! :) Not good, but honestly, it was delicious!

This setting is going to end, but I know 'Inner Healing' will go on in different ways.
I will keep investing in leaders of these areas, doing coaching and mentoring. Every two weeks we will come together for a time of sharing, intervision and training.
We are thinking about doing the Inner Healing Program with the women coming out of prostitution, I think some of them are ready for it and will be really helped by it.
And I started a Meet Up Group in Cape Town for Inner Healing. It is a group of 8 women and it is very special. It is totally a new kind of setting, so it has his challenges (what gives opportunities for growth!) But after only a few meetings, they already have a special place in my heart.

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